
“The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit”. - Fabienne Fredrickson

I love this quote because it really gets down to the root of Deep Health Evolution’s existence. And that is to plant the seeds of vitality through six major tenets: movement, nutrition, sleep, stress management, community/connection and environment. Our approach is delicate, sharing our continuously growing library of knowledge, experience and our age-earned wisdom, so as to quietly cajole small evolutionary steps towards enhanced life span and health span. The seeds you plant today in these areas will undoubtedly cultivate an elevated life.

What are some seeds you can plant today? We came up with six daily rituals to help you prioritize “Deep Health Evolutionary” self-care to help get through the holiday season, end the year on a positive note and set the stage for the year to come.  Do them everyday until the end of the year. (And longer).

Of course, in a perfect world we will nurture these seeds and they will grow into steadfast habits. Instead of setting out to revolutionize your world, we'd prefer for you to plant the seeds of evolution and embrace wherever you find yourself on this journey. Do what you can, be unabashedly forgiving of what you don’t get to.

If you choose to join us, let’s support each other on Instagram. Use hashtag #deephealthseeds on stories and your feed and share what you are doing so we can be in it together! If there is anyone you know who may benefit from something like this, please feel free to forward this post to them and have them follow us and join as well. We hope to see you there!

  1. MOVEMENT. Set a timer and move every 30 minutes. This doesn't mean you need to spontaneously drop into pushups or break a sweat. It can be as simple as changing seated positions if you are in a meeting or doing a CARs move or two. Here are some other simple ideas as well. If you have the opportunity to do something more rigorous, go for it.

  2. NUTRITION. Eat more vegetables. With every single meal, make something plant based most of what you eat. Veggie dominant soup for breakfast, extra greens in your shake, a double serving of brussel sprouts with your dinner, the choice is yours! Vegetable powders from Dr. Cowen’s Garden or the Green Juice from Organifi make this easier! (Use code GREGGCOOK for a 15% discount).

  3. SLEEP. Prioritize this. Without good quality/quantity sleep, most of everything else that is life supporting falls apart. Turn off any screens at least 1, preferably 2 hours before going to bed.

  4. STRESS MANAGEMENT. Upon awakening, before you do anything else including rolling out of bed, think of three things you are grateful for. These things needn’t be monumental. Whispers of goodness in your life are more than fine.

  5. COMMUNITY/CONNECTION. Reach out to one person you normally wouldn’t have contact with every day just to check in and say hello.

  6. ENVIRONMENT. Get out in nature for at least 10 minutes a day without regard to weather. Try and get some sun on your skin.

We have some exciting news! We have a new website dedicated to our retreats, Deep Health Retreats. Please visit! Our retreats are all about planting some seeds of health into the lives of our guests. There are a few rooms open for our Catskills retreat in January and registration is closing on Saturday. Join us! We promise you an unforgettable weekend. You will not be disappointed.

Need more information before you commit, contact us!

(Some affiliate link in which we make a small commission above - all tried and true and at no cost to you if you make a purchase).

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