Keto Part 1

The ketogenic diet is a controversial one these days.  It spans the spectrum from being a miracle weight-loss, disease curing, life-changing diet to being a dangerous fad only to be tried by radicals and circus clowns (ok, maybe not clowns).  I've long been studying this diet and anyone who knows me, knows that by this I mean I not only immersed myself in science and literature on the subject, but also tested on myself.

This post will be strictly about what this mysterious diet really is.  Keto part 2 will reveal my personal experience with it - guts and glory.


The ketogenic diet is derivative of research dating back to the early 1900's.  Researchers noticed that patients with severe epilepsy experienced extraordinarily fewer seizures while fasting.  When the body is fasted, muscle and liver glycogen is depleted.  (For those unfamiliar, liver glycogen is a stored carbohydrate).  When this happens, the body shifts into a state of ketosis, i.e. produces ketone bodies from fat and these ketone bodies are used for energy, particularly by the brain.  Ketones provide a much more stable source of energy for the brain as compared to glucose.  The brain is able to shift from metabolizing about 2/3rds of its energy from glucose to ketones.

The ketogenic diet mimics the features of fasting by drastically reducing carbohydrate intake, increasing fat intake and keeping protein intake at a moderate level.  Aside from benefitting the epileptic population, this macro ratio (macros = fats, carbs and protein) has shown remarkable effects with conditions such as type 2 diabetes, some cancers, neurological disorders, fat loss and contrary to popular belief, even in athletic performance.  Seemingly instantaneous weight loss and brain clarity are two of the benefits most appealing to those using the ketogenic diet without a serious health condition.

The basics keto breakdown would be something the following:  

Super low carb - approximately 20-30 grams per day or 5-10% of your daily intake, all from low glycemic, non-starchy, nutrient dense vegetables.  This will vary depending on activity level and metabolic health.

High fat - 70-80% of your daily intake from health fats.  This will vary depending on whether your goals.

Moderate protein.  20-25% of your daily intake.  This will vary greatly depending on height, weight, activity level and personal composition.

As you can see, this is a very personalized diet and differ greatly between individuals.



Meats, poultry, seafood, eggs, non-starchy vegetables, healthy oils and fats, nuts, seeds, full-fat dairy (if tolerated).


Grains, processed foods, starchy vegetables, fruits, legumes, sugar and alcohol.


Aside from the conditions mentioned above, there are several reason one would choose to follow a ketogenic diet.  Robb Wolf spells it out nicely in this handy-dandy chart pulled directly from his website.  Robb Wolf is a former research biochemist and best selling author, among many other things.  He is extremely knowledgable and smart about all things nutrition, metabolism and exercise.  He is one of my go-to resources.


So now you must be saying to yourself, "Great, bacon and cheese, less body fat and a quicker, sharper brain???  I'm all in".  Well, not so fast.  There are some downsides as well...


Some of the downfalls of this way of eating range from hormone dysregulation, especially for menstruating women, adrenal dysregulation, thyroid imbalance, and low libido.  There are ways to get around these conditions, such as tinkering with your carb intake on certain days or in the evenings, but there is a lot trial an error involved in determining what works for each individual.

Keto is not easy to sustain.  Until one gets used to how much of each macro they need to eat to maintain the state of ketosis, there is a lot of measuring, finger pricking (Ketones are most commonly measured in the blood.  Other methods use breath).  

If the goal is weight loss, it can be difficult to determine how much fat to eat.  Simply because it is a fat-intense diet, does not give an individual carte blanche on fatty foods as fatty calories can add up pretty quickly.  It's easy to over due it.  This goes for protein as well.  As intake of protein is unique to each individual, establishing personal guidelines can be tough.

Because it basically requires cutting out a macro from your diet, namely carbs, many people end up lacking some key things.  One is fiber.   Constipation is a common issue.  This isn't a problem per se, but one needs to consciously address it.  

Mineral deficiencies, specifically potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium are common in those not fully versed on how to troubleshoot the keto diet.  Supplementation is often necessary.

Such a precise diet where food often needs to be measured and weighed and macros calculated can easily instigate disordered eating for those with an existing unhealthy relationship with food.

Lastly, there's keto breath, and boy is it gnarly!    

I've experimented greatly with the ketogenic diet.  The next post will give you the lowdown.  I will share my personal experience with it, how to do it right and how to use it as a tool to upgrade your life.  If you have any specific questions or concerns you'd like me to address, let me know.




Gregg Cook
Why Does Movement Matter?
Photo by Gjon Mili

Photo by Gjon Mili

What the heck is "movement" anyway?  

You may be thinking to yourself, "I've got this in the bag!  I move all the time.  I walk to my car, I park at the back of the lot so I get some extra walking in, I go to the gym 7 days a week.  How much more do I need?  The answer to this question may not be what you want to hear.  You actually need a lot than you think!  We also need to take a good, hard look at HOW we move.  

The modern understanding of exercise is the idea of taking an hour out of the day to go to an exercise appropriate environment (be it a gym or the great outdoors for a bike ride or run), doing the deed and returning to "normal" life of sitting behind a desk and working our butts off (but not really) behind a computer.  While I have nothing at all against this (hey, am I not a group fitness instructor and personal trainer??) what we do with the rest of our days matter greatly.  Not only this, but how we move is also enormously important.

Looking back to the wisdom of our ancestors, we see they moved constantly.  This movement was often in the form of walking several miles a day, climbing, wrestling/fighting, throwing, jumping, bending, lifting, pushing and pulling for hours and hours on end.  They often encountered situations requiring high intensity exercise, like sprinting away from a predator or chasing that night's potential meal, but movement at this intensity was usually short-lived.  It was rare, however, that they had the opportunity to sit, let alone sit in the same position, for extended periods of time.  They didn't have the cushy couches and fluffy pillows we have now that beckon us to lounge for hours on end.  Nor did they have the time.

You may be asking yourself, why should we look to them for advice?   Our DNA, governing our bodies and brains operating systems, have changed very little if at all since the time when human beings were hunter-gatherers, and from an evolutionary perspective, our bodies are programmed to move frequently, fully and in a variety of ways.  This potpourri of movement signals our DNA to build a robust, lean, strong, energized, fully functional body equipped with a mentally sharp mind.  In addition, our ancestors definitely did not have the amount of chronic disease we have now.  Acute sickness, yes, and fortunately modern medicine has taken care of a lot of this, but we've mastered the chronic sickness space in a bad way, and the situation is only getting worse.

Let me offer you another way to look at it is this.  Our bodies adapt and become fully capable and skilled at what we do most of the time.  What did our ancestors do?  From the moment they arose in the morning until it was time to settle down in the evening, they were on the move ensuring the tribe/family had enough food to avoid starvation.  The intrinsic motivation to move was directly related to survival.  They in fact, needed to be as conservative as possible with their energy, so as not to burn up more than they brought home in the form of food.  This is called Optimal Foraging Strategy (OFS) and all living beings to adhere to this in order to survive.

We now pay expensive gym memberships for this, pay for trainers to show us what to do, how to do it and for how long and set aside a “special” hour or so a day to get in our “workout”.   We have no need to conserve our energy as walking to the fridge, or picking up the phone for take-out require little more than a few steps and perhaps a bonus tug of the refrigerator door.  Is the picture becoming clearer?  You can now begin to see why we have become so riddled with health issues - cardiovascular disease, “diabesity” osteopathic issues, just to name a few.  It has now become easy to take in much more energy (food) than we put out or use (movement).



I can just hear you all now, “I work out 7 days a week!  I do HIIT training, strength training (which in all honesty most of us do NOT do enough of), cycling classes, etc.  How much more can I do?”

I’ll answer that question with a few others.   What kind of body do you want? How healthy, lean and capable do you want to be?  If you’re shooting for just above average, don’t mind extra body fat, joint stiffness and pain, read no further than the end of this paragraph.  This, friends, will eventually lead to less energy, more resistance to moving and more body fat, which will lead to more stiffness and pain. Get the idea?  You will be spiraling down in the direction of modern day diseases of convenience or diseases of captivity.




When compared to the way our ancestors lived and the way our bodies and brains are designed be challenged, we live in an environment that dulls the senses, weakens the body and disrupts our potential health.  Consider the temperature controlled perpetual “spring/summer” like environment we live in, and the stairs that do the climbing for us (escalators). Hunting and foraging has also had a complete makeover. For most of us, it now consists of few steps to the fridge. Conveniences abound: running water, plumbing, cars, paved roads, flat surfaces to walk on, no rough terrain to challenge agility or balance and so much more.  These are convenient from the perspective of conserving energy and lowering the potential discomforts of life, however NOT convenient for those of us striving to remain healthy, lean, strong, mentally sharp and emotionally well balanced.

Our bodies require a certain amount of environmental stress, or load (pressure).  Some examples? Cold, heat, physical challenges that elevate heart and breath rate, strenuous lifting, pushing, pulling, climbing, etc.  When combined with stretches of down time where we can be in a calm and physically relaxed state to rebuild and fully recover, our bodies adapt by becoming stronger and more efficient at dealing with these stressors.  Getting to the gym, even 7 days a week, is not enough because for the majority of the population, the rest of the day is spent sitting behind a desk. The world of health science now recognizes another category of people aside from the well known 1. active and 2. sedentary and it includes MOST of us. This group is categorized as the active sedentary.  We “workout” up to 7 days a week, but then spend 5-10 hrs a day sitting or standing in one place.


Enough about the problem.  How are we going to remedy this?  

Movement, of course!  Movement is a huge category, with exercise and even sports being only a small part of it.  Our bodies are capable of millions of movement options and thrive from a vast array of frequent and full ones.  This approach to movement can be integrated into our day at anytime anywhere.  You do not NEED to go to a gym and exercise to experience robust health, a lean strong functional body, and a robust immune system. You DO however need to begin thinking of movement differently and becoming more proactive about it.   Just as we should be eating a variety of foods of different colors with each meal, our movements should be equally colorful and varied.

Here is an example from my own life:  I am fortunate enough to have a job that has me on the move most of the day.  Yet, in the past when I had been at home in front of my computer or reading, listening to podcasts, etc., I would sit at my “desk” (dining room table).  Inevitably, I felt stiffness and pain in my joints, along with the ensuing lack of desire to move brought on in this scenario. Fast forward to what I do now. I have stand for my laptop that functions as a standing desk or a floor desk.  I spend a good amount of time in a squat, cross legged, in a split etc. while working. When standing, I am shifting in and out of multiple positions as well.  Position changing is key!  I also hang a pull-up bar in my bathroom doorway (ten steps from where I am working), keep a kettlebell close by (20 steps away) and keep a 20 minute timer running.  Every 20 minutes, I take a 60 second movement break.  This can look like a 30 second hang from the pull-up bar, 30 hanging leg raises and 20 bodyweight squats.  The beauty of the movement break is not only physical.  It also helps to maintain focus, and fosters creativity and productivity.

Keep an assortment of moves in your back pocket for your breaks.  Although repeating the same thing beats sitting or standing in one position, changing things up is by far a more better solution (and much less boring).  There are many movement experts sharing their movement creativity and expertise out there. Find someone or a few sources you can trust, and get to work! (One of those people I’d recommend is the one writing this blog post)!  

Contact me if you’d like a consultation.  I do this privately for individuals as well as on a corporate level.


(Full disclosure:  We are affiliates of a few of these brands listed above.  While we make a small profit if you make a purchase using our links, it is at no extra cost to you.  We have tried each of these products, honestly believe in them and would otherwise never recommend them).

Do your thoughts matter?

"What you think, you become.
What you feel, you attract.
What you imagine, you create.”

― Gautama Buddha

Our view of the world is determined for the most part, by our perception of it and our world attitude (how we relate to experiences and outlook on life) in turn, largely impacts health, both psychological AND physical.  In terms of turning health around and truly "deep health" evolving into the best version of ourselves; that thriving, growing, learning, full of vitality and overall happy human of our dreams; a host of different aspects must come together synergistically.  We've touched on many of these aspects in the past - movement, nutrition, and sleep.  What about the mind?  Without a supporting mindset, it's not likely any of the efforts put towards moving, eating and sleeping will make a marked difference for long.  

So what the heck are we thinking these days?  Turns out, way too many stress inducing thoughts.  Fueled by television and social media and the impending FOMO (fear of missing out) we've come to live in a time of less than optimal thinking patterns.  The representations of life in media are often far beyond any grasp of reality, and while we may intellectually realize this, the resulting feelings are of disappointment and disconnection.   Coupled with overwhelming stress, relentlessly busy schedules, and a lack of mindfulness, it is important to not only become aware of negative, energy zapping thought patterns, but also to have the tools to turn them around.  


What are some negative, energy zapping mindsets to be aware of:

1. Perfection or failure, nothing in between.  For example:  You didn't get the job you were hoping for, therefore you will become homeless and starve to death.

2. Personally attaching to outcomes.  For example:  You didn't get the job you were hoping for, therefore you are worthless.  Part of this is also comparing your constructed reality to the truth.  Example:  I should have done [insert action], then I would have gotten the job.  "Should" can be a very dangerous word!

3. Ruminating on negativity which leads to feeling helpless, powerless and stuck.  This often leads to depression, lack of confidence and trust that things will work themselves out.

4. Trying to think of very possible scenario to avoid failure and again, becoming stuck.  


A healthy mindset is a muscle that requires training, just like your glutes and biceps.  Here are some ways to cultivate one.  

1. When you notice yourself creeping down that negative rabbit hole, ask yourself, "What's the worst that can happen"?  Usually the worst that can happen is not so bad.

2. Focus on the "details in the fabric".  If we pay attention to the subtle details in life, we'll see that they are perfectly coordinated.  Take a glass of wine (or a cup of coffee), for example.  The subtle nuances are what transform a decent glass of wine into something superb.  Recognizing the wildflowers popping up between the slats of concrete, the sunlight peeking through the clouds just so,or the touch of a loved one help minimize the impact of the seemingly unfortunate life experience.

3. Let go of assuming we know the future.  We often judge our experiences from the "fortune teller" point of view.  The truth is we have no clue of what the future holds or why things happen the way they do in the long run.  Fortunately is a kids book that really nails the message.  With a broader lens, we see that things work themselves out just the way they are meant to.


Here are some healthy mindset exercises:

1. Mindfulness Meditation:  There are several good apps out there to help get you started.  (Contact us if you'd like some recommendations).  You can also start out pretty easily unassisted.  Take 5 minutes out of your day at anytime that works best for you. Sit upright and comfortably in a chair, cushion or floor, close your eyes and pay attention to your breath going in and out of your body.  Some people find it easier to say to themselves "inhale" and "exhale" as they do so.  As this becomes routine in your life, this sense of mindfulness will carry over to the rest of your life and in all you do.  

2. Gratitude Practice:  Studies show that maintaining a gratitude practice, has shown to lower levels of anxiety and depression, and increase optimism and overall sense of wellbeing.  All it takes is 2 minutes in the morning to quickly jot down 3 things you are grateful for.  Keep a journal by your bedside dedicated to this to help make this into a habit.  

3. Breathing Techniques:  Like meditation, certain breathing techniques can help create space between you and the negative situation you may be experiencing and help activate the healing/calming effect of the parasympathetic nervous system.  One of our favorites is 4-7-8 breathing.  Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 7, exhale for 8.

4. Determine Your Triggers (and create a pre-game plan):  Think about circumstances, environments, people, and even foods that have triggered negative thinking in the past.  Short of avoiding them (which is easiest to do with food), make a plan for when you DO have to be in those "toxic" situations.  Your pre-game could look like this:  Schedule in an extra meditation session to help broaden your outlook.  Then, determine your default negative thought patterns and write them down on a piece of paper.  Next to those, write down how you'd like to respond to them.  Keep that piece of paper with you in case you need a reminder of that plan while in the midst of the trigger situation.

5. Take a break:  A change in scenery can do wonders.  Take a walk (preferably in nature) or a movement break, engage in a mindless activity or take a nap.

6. Limit your time on devices in general and especially social media.

June is gratitude month for our family.  We are expressing gratitude outwardly to one person every day of the month in person, via email, text, old fashioned letter, gift, etc.  No rules, except that it is to be done daily and should be specific (rather then "thanks for being you").  Want to join us?  

(Full disclosure:  We are affiliates of one or more items listed above.  While we make a little bit of money if you make a purchase using our links, it is at no extra cost to you.  We have tried each of these products, honestly believe in them and would otherwise never recommend them).

A Mother's Day Gift Guide

Motherhood - complicated in an other-worldly-sort of way.  What does it mean to be a mother?  It's indescribable love, passion and joy.  It's immeasurable frustration and doubt.  It is reaching deep into the cavernous shadows of the soul and learning the true nature of existence.  Motherhood reevaluates purpose.  It is the ultimate proof of spirit.  That a being can grow inside of a woman's body and become a person outside of her to carry on the human experience, is evidence that motherhood is a job to be matched by no other.

Although we know that mamas should be revered everyday for all they do, next Sunday is officially her day.  It's tough to come up with a pretty little package whose contents can truly represent paragraph 1, but here is our feeble attempt.   In any case, they will certainly put a smile on her face!

These will cost you some money.

1. Alitura Naturals Skin Care Products.  The face mask and night cream are by far more effective then anything else we've ever tried.  The ingredients are completely natural and you'd even be safe eating it - although we wouldn't recommend that!  Be forewarned, the face mask smells very "natural".    

2. An organic wine subscription from Dry Farm Wines.  These wines are low sugar, natural, additive, mycotoxin and mold free.  If she is going to enjoy a glass of wine, she shouldn't have to deal with the negative effects that often follow.  

3. Her very own hemp oil subscription.  We've talked a lot about this already so we won't get into it again now.  It's the new and improved "mother's little helper".  If you want to learn more read our blog post.  

4. A spot in our Mobility + Hemp Oil special event on May 19th.  Even better than a massage, she will come home feeling relaxed, balanced, and like she got a challenging, but also therapeutic workout.

5. Essential Oils from Snow Lotus.  Their French Lavender is incredible.

6. A private yoga lesson at home with the amazing Hannah Gruber.

7. A transformative week on an all inclusive, intimate wellness retreat in Spain (with us, of course).  This is the ultimate, rare experience.  We've thought of everything you would ever need to gently reset and nourish your body, mind and spirit.  She will come back rejuvenated and inspired.

8. A blissful, spiritually moving massage with the therapist we've been working with for almost 20 years.  Geraldine Abergas.  No one even comes close.  Hands down.

These will cost you some time, but will leave your wallet alone.

1. A back rub, a foot rub, a scalp massage.  You get the idea.

2. A >20 second hug.  Who doesn't love a hug?  Research indicates it takes about 20 seconds for the body to release oxytocin and dopamine from a hug and this is especially helpful in women for heart health. Sprinkle these in throughout the day.

3. Something home made.  How about medicinal mushroom infused dark chocolate?  Here's an easy and delicious recipe from Four Sigmatic.

4. A photo book of last year's pictures with quotes.  A friend of ours gifts this to her partner every year.  So thoughtful and absolutely priceless.

5. Time alone to do whatever she wants without leaving her a mess to clean up when she returns.


(Full disclosure:  We are affiliates of a few of these brands listed above.  While we make a little bit of money if you make a purchase using our links, it is at no extra cost to you.  We have tried each of these products, honestly believe in them and would otherwise never recommend them).




Hemp Oil Infused Mobility Class

Join us in NYC on Saturday, May 19th at 2pm for an intense, unique, full-body mobility class amplified by the profoundly balancing effects of the plant based supplement, hemp oil.  

We've been talking a lot about hemp oil lately...its ability to establish homeostasis in the body and allow the body to naturally heal itself, enhance energy, recovery and endurance. 

Now's your chance to experience it for yourself!

In this class you will be able to deconstruct old beliefs of what your joints are capable of, push boundaries and leave feeling balanced and energized.  

Some of the benefits include improved immune function, normal and bone cell growth, better sleep, increased relaxation, memory, focus, and optimization of the nervous system and mood.

The class itself will be about an hour long and will be followed by a quick information and Q & A session.  We'll have hemp oil there for you to purchase as well.  Can you tell we are excited about this??

(Affiliate disclosure:  We receive a small commission from sales, but the price is the same for you.  This is something we personally use, support and would recommend.  We will only ever link to products or resources (affiliate or otherwise) that we feel will benefit your health).

Photo by Greg Vaughan

Photo by Greg Vaughan

Deeper sleep, less inflammation, quicker recovery and sharper focus through weed without getting high

I bet we got your attention!  To clarify, no, we don't have any secret pot vaping tricks.  We are talking about hemp oil.  This is something we've been exploring and experimenting with for a long time now.  It's been in the news a lot lately, and we thought we'd shed some light on what it really is and its applications from a deep health point of view.  We believe it to be one of the most important dietary supplements to add to your health regimen.

What is Hemp Oil?

The use of hemp itself has been historically documented for over 6,000 years, beginning with its use in Oriental Medicine.  Hemp oil is extracted from the stalks and stems of the hemp plant.  What makes this hemp plant different from marijuana plants, containing the psychoactive element, THC, is quite simple and rather interesting.  In order for the plant to develop the psychoactive properties, the female plants must be deprived of fertilization by its male counterpart.  Happily pollinated female plants will hardly produce any THC at all (less than 1%).

The Health Benefits and how it works.

Studies show that hemp il is helpful at reducing a number of disorders related to the dysregulation of the cannabinoid system.  Did we lose you there?  Let us explain. 

Human beings have an internal cannabinoid system, aka endocannabinoid (endo = internal).  This system, made up of endocannabinoids and their receptors, are found everywhere in the body from the brain to the organs, glands and immune cells.  Their main purpose is to maintain homeostasis, or balance, throughout the body.  When this system is in balance primed with sufficient cannabinoids, it supports the balance of the body's systems overall.  It establishes equilibrium within and allows the body innate intelligence to do its job, and heal itself wherever healing is needed.  


In modern times we are hugely overstressed.  Overwhelmed by toxins from foods, not enough movement, lack of sleep, heavy metals, overexposure to unnatural light and EMFs (just to name a few), just about everyone on this planet has an endocannabinoid system that is seriously out of whack.  

What happens when we satisfy our endocannabinoid system?  Hormones are balanced.   The immune system, normal cell growth, bone growth, sleep and relaxation, brain, memory, focus, nervous system and mood are all optimized.  Energy, recovery and endurance are naturally enhanced.

Hemp oil is a nutraceutical that is neuroprotective, in other words, protects the brain.  It's used to successfully treat children with epilepsy with no side effects, has anti-bacterial properties and acts as an antioxidant.   It supports heart health, skin conditions, and can slow the growth and spread of some types of unhealthy cells.

What about negative side effects?

While THC is sometimes associated with laziness, addiction, overeating and memory loss, these undesirable attributes are not characteristic of hemp oil.  In addition, its nearly impossible to overdose with it. It has been used for the past 6,000 years, and has stood the test of time.  The death count from overdose is zero in all this time.  As it is a natural plant-derived supplement, there have been extremely rare cases of allergic reactions noted, but that aside, no negative side effects are known.  It is even safe for children and pets!

What to look for in a hemp oil?

Surely by now you are busy scavenging Amazon for hemp oil.  Before you do that, here's the catch, not all hemp oil is created equal.  First, be sure you are getting something that is meticulously sourced and extracted from the hemp plant itself (not lab-created) and full spectrum.  Second, you need something that can be readily absorbed by the body.  Most of the beneficial properties of hemp oil will be lost as it goes through the digestive system if its not delivered by means of liposomes.  When looking for a high quality, bio-available hemp oil, you also need something with a minuscule particle size, below 100 nanometers (or 1/100th the width of a single human hair), 

If you are interested in getting your hands on what we consider the gold standard when it comes to hemp oil (and we've tried many), contact us.  Also coming on May 20th is a special hemp-oil infused mobility event in New York City.  If you are in the area at that time, please join us.  More details to come very soon!


Now, here are some more very interesting cannabinoid facts.  Aside from the hemp plant, cannabinoids can be found in nature in black pepper, cacao, black truffles, kava, echinacea, helichrysum (a South African daisy with potent healing qualities), and even mother's breast milk.  It's what you experience when you get into deep mediation or that "runner's high" during an endurance workout.

Looking for more research?  We sited a bunch of studies above, but if you're looking for more, there are thousands out there.  Have a look at and

We are not doctors, or do we claim to be on the inter-webs!  If in doubt, please check with your medical professional before beginning or trying any new dietary supplement.

Detoxing through Intermittent Fasting

Bowl by Brickett Davda

Bowl by Brickett Davda

Did you know that our amazing bodies are naturally designed to self-detox down all the way to the cellular level?  Did you also know that we have the ability to help ignite that detoxing process?  It involves timing meals - or fasting and a few specific foods to help move the process along.  

Why is it important to make sure our bodies are properly detoxing on a regular basis?  No matter how hard we try to practice clean living, modern life overloads us with toxins we can’t avoid.  I am talking about pesticides, EMFs, dirty electricity, pollution, cigarette smoke, chemical ridden skin care, sugar laden diets, an overload of stress, lack of sleep, lack of full body, full range, all-day movement…I can go on, but I think you get the picture.  Our toxic load and lifestyles won’t allow us to shed weight, wreak all sorts of havoc in our guts and ultimately push the aging process into hyper-drive,

How can we help our bodies naturally and deeply detox and slow the aging process down?  Let's take a look at intermittent fasting.

Perhaps you’ve heard or read about it already.  For those of you unfamiliar…simply put…it is a way of eating that consciously alternates periods of eating and not eating and can be done in several ways.  It can really assist in weight loss and fat burning and boasts a number of incredible therapeutic benefits as well. 

Fasting can help improve neutral connections in the hippocampus part of the brain, the area associated with memory, mood and motivation, and has neuron protecting qualities.  For similar reasons, it is also helpful for those recovering from brain injury.  It also promotes mental acuity and focus.

Periods of fasting stimulate cells to cannibalize.  This process, known as autophagy, or “self” (auto) “eat (phagy), is the body’s natural ability to clean out detox and recycle cells that are no longer functioning properly.  Through this function, your body can boost the immune system, prevent diseases related to aging as well as cardiovascular diseases, increase insulin sensitivity, and boost energy.  According to studies, fasting can even prevent or slow the progression of cancer. 

There are several ways to intermittent fast.  Some people chose to eat only during an eight-hour window. For example, you can eat from 12 pm to 8 pm, then fast from 8 pm to 12pm.  Another, more advanced form of intermittent fasting would be fasting for 24-36 hours once or twice a week.

Can anyone fast?  In my experience, it’s not for everyone and not all the time.  In general, pregnant women, and women dealing with fertility issues should probably stay away from fasting.  Gut issues, blood sugar imbalances, sleep issues, adrenal problems and a history of eating disorders are also conditions in which I would suggest avoid fasting.  Ultimately, if you have any chronic health condition or any doubts, clear it with your doctor before trying.

What are some tools to use while fasting to help the detoxing process along?  There are several foods can that help ignite the detoxing process.  Some of these foods are almonds, walnuts, leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli, broccoli sprouts, cauliflower, coffee, green tea, butter, cream, lentils, mushrooms, garlic, red wine, dark chocolate, and chia seeds. 

Supplementing with hemp oil is one of the most powerful tools to combine with fasting.  It acts as a catalyst, stimulating the endocannabinoid system, bringing the body into a balanced state and allowing it to heal itself.  For more information about hemp oil and its incredible benefits during fasting and otherwise, look up hemp or CBD oil on, or  If you are looking for a resource, let me know!

I am launching an intro to intermittent fasting guide with accompanying meal plan.  It is geared towards those getting started and experiments with different types of intermittent fasting.  It's 5 days long, includes a meal plan designed to fire up the benefits of fasting, recipes, tips and tricks, bonuses, daily motivation and accountability reminders and access to coaching by me throughout the 5 days.  If you are interested, contact me.

What should we be feeding our kids?

So many of the clients we work with hire us to for help with diet.  In the maze of information and misinformation, we work together to figure out what works best for them as individuals...their personal make-up and lifestyle.  In the end, what we find is as one person in a family makes healthier choices, the rest of the family benefits as well.  Health is contagious.  This is the case not only for diet, but for movement, mental conditioning and overall happiness as well.  

When we see an exception to this phenomenon, it is almost always with regards to the children in the family.  Poor kiddos!  Part of this is because as parents we try to avoid any and all drama with our kids.  If the child seems happy with "organic" cereal out of a cardboard box, and thick gooey processed fruits and veggies squeezed out of a tube, we let them be.  The other part is that parents tend to catastrophize the situation.  Here's an example.  Your child won't eat the healthy meal you serve and will be hungry and possibly starve.  They won't grow and develop as they should.  They'll be smaller then the rest of the kids, not as smart, never get into college, get a job, make friends or find a partner.  AND, they will be grumpy and hangry in the meanwhile, making your life completely miserable.  Better to give them the not-so-great food they love and call it a day.  I am definitely not pointing any fingers here...I can totally relate!

The quality of food we feed our children is especially apparent in restaurants.  Have you ever taken a good look at kids menus?  The usual selection consists of pizza, mac and cheese, pasta with butter, grilled cheese and the occasional chicken "fingers".  Sometimes there is even the added bonus of juice or chocolate milk and a dessert of some sort included in the offering, at no extra cost to you, no immediate cost that is.  

The question is, how important is it to get children off the carbohydrate/sugar/nutrient-wasteland of a diet they've grown so accustomed to?  And if it is something worth doing, what in particular do they need, and how the heck do we get them to actually enjoy eating healthy foods?  

First, why this IS important?  On a universal level, our children are our legacies.  We pass our torches on to them.  Children truly "are the world" (flashback to 1985).  They are the future of humanity.  From this perspective, we need to equip them with the healthiest, strongest bodies, sharpest minds, kindest and most compassionate hearts and we possibly can.   

Historically, there was never any difference between the adult and the children's food, there was only the plants foraged, the fruits gathered and the meat hunted.  By feeding our children out of boxes and tubes, they have become disconnected with food, where it actually comes from, how it is grown.  This is a detriment to our already ailing environment.  This also potentially leads to a poor relationship with food in general, emotional eating rather then relating with food as an earth given gift, as nourishing, as medicine.  

It is critical for our kids to get certain nutrients out of their diets, even more so than adults.   Their development depends on it.

What do kids need the most?  Here I turn to someone I admire, trust greatly, and have personally been a patient of, Chris Kresser, one of the most intelligent functional medicine doctors out there.  

  • Fat soluble vitamins such as A, D and K2, which can be found in organ meats, cold-water fatty fish and dairy, egg yolks, Natto (Japanese fermented soy).
  • Choline and glycine found in eggs, bone broth, fattier and collagen rich cuts of meat (brisket, oxtail).
  • Iodine from sea vegetables (particularly kelp) and dairy (not from milk itself, but from the agent used to sterilize the containers that hold milk).
  • EPA and DHA from cold-water fatty fish.
  • Zinc, iron and copper, once again from organ meats and shellfish.
  • Calcium from dairy, bone-in fish and dark leafy green vegetables.
  • Phytonutrients, a variety of them from fresh fruits and vegetables, along with their fiber.
  • Protein, the foundation for the development of muscles, tissues, and all the body's support systems.


Finally, how do we get our kids to eat these foods and actually enjoy them?  Here are some simple tips.

  1. Be an example.  Kids do as we do, far before they do purely what we say.  If we are eating these foods ourselves, not only are we feeding ourselves the nutrients our bodies need, but setting an example and stimulating curiosity.  Make room for questions and tastes.
  2. Make small changes.  Start with making foods your kids already know and love, but healthier versions of them.
  3. Don't force your kids to eat anything or to finish what's on their plates and don't offer substitutions.  Prepare healthy foods and put them out on the table and be patient.  The kids won't go hungry and will eventually come around.  
  4. Add first, take away later.  Resist the temptation to immediately clean the pantry out of everything your kids love.  Make healthy snacks available and accessible so that they are encouraged to try them on their own.
  5. Try and try again and again and again.  It can take 10+ times, and often months for your little one's taste buds to adjust.  Often times rejection of a food as more to do with texture than taste.  Try different iterations of a food.  For example, if your kids don't like mashed sweet potatoes, try them roasted.
  6. Make it fun...a family project, experiment, or game.  Involve your kids in menu planning and cooking. Set aside your inner OCD (this one i especially hard for me) and within limits, let them be inventive.  Create "fun" plates with foods they can eat with their fingers.  Make smiley faces out of the food on their plates.  Jazz veggies up with healthy sauces to dip into or add butter.  (Butter or oil helps make the  nutrients in vegetables more bioavailable by the way).
  7. Make sure your kids are hungry.  Steer them away from snack too close to mealtimes.
  8. The earlier you start the better.  Partially due to our own laziness, we never cooked anything special for our daughter.  She always ate exactly what we ate.  She knows no different and is always eager to try new things.  The result is a very broad and sophisticated palate.  Don't get us wrong, she won't pass up a cookie or piece of chocolate cake if their offered, but will happily gobble up raw oysters and a steamed artichoke with melted butter if that is what we are eating.  (Our meal accompanied by a dirty martini, hers, sparkling water with lemon).

Need some coaching?  We are happy to help!  Give us a holler.

Your Basic Guide to Fats and Oils

Fats and oils are hot topics these days.  If you grew up in my generation (70's child), vegetable oils were good and butter and animal fats were bad.  End of story.  Government and mass food industry supported guidelines warned us that any animal derived fat was a no-no and low fat and fat-free were the way to go.  The truth behind this propaganda, greed-fueled and unsubstantiated by science, became public information only a few years ago.  So now what?  What kinds of fats and oils should we be ingesting?

It's a complicated story.  We learned a lot by reading Cate Shanahan's book, Deep Nutrition.  It is chock full of information - and definitely a dense read.  Here is a summary of what we learned.  

1. Why are vegetable/seed oils so toxic?

Vegetable oils are loaded with polyunsaturated fatty acids, also known as PUFAs.  These PUFAs are highly unstable.  When exposed to heat and chemical stress they rapidly breakdown and transforming into free-radical promoting molecules, potentially causing major cell damage.  What do I mean by cell damage?  

These oils are inflammatory, irritating the gut lining and impairing digestion by reducing the ability to produce stomach acid.

They create oxidative stress in the body, leading to neuro degenerative diseases.  When heated, these oils exponentially amplify naturally occurring oxidation, so that the body has a hard time fighting it.  They also limit nitric oxide signaling which slows brain functioning.  

Vegetable and seed oils can cause gene mutation.  There are studies linking them to autism and organ malfunction.

Having a problem with circulation?  It could be due to vegetable and seed oils.  They can cause cardiovascular dysfunction, erectile dysfunction (yikes), migraines and also stifles the body's ability to recover from brain injury.

In a nut shell, they are aging accelerators.  I don't know anyone who wants that!

Increases genomic instability (causing gene mutation).

2. Does it matter how the oils are processed?  What if they are expeller-pressed?

Yes, it matters, but when it comes to vegetable and seed oils, expeller-pressed does not mean safe.  Expeller pressed suggests "gently extracted", but in reality, it only means the oils were first mechanically extracted.  The next part of the process usually involves refining, bleaching and deodorizing, rendering the oil oxidized.

3. What the heck should we eat and cook with and what should we avoid?

Here's a short list taken right off of Dr. Shanahan's website.


And lastly, some tips!

  • Look for extra virgin, cold pressed oils.  For olive oils, specifically made in California, look for the Califonia Olive Oil Council Seal.  
  • For extra virgin olive oil, look for a harvest date.  They are best used within 18 months from harvest.
  • When cooking with high heat, stir frequently.
  • Also for high heat cooking, certain oil combinations are ideal.  Butter and olive oil protect each other.  Sesame and peanut oil are good combinations as well.  Sesame oil is high in PUFA's but is also incredibly packed with antioxidants.  Peanut oil protects the PUFA's from oxidizing.

At our signature retreats, we show you EXACTLY how to put all of this together and use some of the oils suggested.  Join us in beautiful Mallorca in September and experience the taste of authentic, traditionally made Spanish olive oil.  We will be visiting a biodynamic extra virgin olive oil mill! 

 As always, please reach out with questions and comments!

Coffee Fix

We've written about coffee in the past, but in light of daylight savings time and the need for a little extra pep in the step, we thought it might be a good time to revisit the topic.  Did you know that well over 2 billion cups of coffee are consumed each day worldwide and New Yorkers are estimated to drink 7x more coffee than any other city in the US.  No wonder we also walk and talk at least twice as quickly as anyone else in the country!  Coffee love is not a new one form or another, it has been a part of human culture since before 1000 AD.
Is this a habit we should indulge or tease out?  As with most things, the answer is both yes and no! 
Here are 8 reasons why you should absolutely drink more coffee.

  1. Antioxidants.  No food on the planet surpasses the number of antioxidants in coffee according to the latest research.  It surpasses our darling blueberries and our beloved dark chocolate by a landslide. 
  2. Coffee is a healthy brain superfood, improving memory, mood, vigilance, and energy.  Coffee drinkers have a massively reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease (up to 65%).
  3. The risk of developing Parkinson’s disease is reduced by up to 30% by drinking coffee.
  4. Great news for all of us who love a cocktail or two - coffee is great for liver health. Coffee drinking has proven to help lower the risk of developing cirrhosis by up to 65%, regardless of the caffeine content.
  5. Skin health.  The more coffee, the lower the chances of developing skin cancer.
  6. Coffee can help boost athletic performance.
  7. Coffee can assist in weight loss by bumping up the metabolism.
  8. Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

BONUS: That cup of joe may help in the bedroom.  It’s been shown to improve women’s sex drive!

Convinced?  We urge you to pause and grab yourself a coffee before reading on.
And now for the bad news.  If not properly cultivated and processed, coffee can also be damaging and all its wonderful health boosting effects nullified .  
So here’s the opposing argument.

  1. Toxins.  Improper growing and processing of the coffee bean, whether organic or not, can cause the development of mold toxins.  This is a huge problem in the US, as it has no standards or regulations for coffee.  The situation is even worse for decaf coffee because caffeine acts as a natural antifungal in the beans, defending itself against mold and other organisms found in nature.  If the decaffeinated beans are processed improperly, the beans are rendered completely defenseless. 
  2. Pesticides.  Coffee beans are heavily sprayed.  Worldwide, 97% of the coffees are treated with some type of pesticide and other chemicals.  It seems unbelievable, given the number of “artisanal” coffee shops out there, but only 3% of the coffees available today are organic.  Even organic coffees often succumb to mold while the beans sit in dirty water.
  3. The Jitters.  Caffeine can release cortisol, often referred to as the stress hormone and as a result, increase heart rate and blood pressure.  It can make certain people feel more nervous and anxious.
  4. A Belly Ache.  The acidity in coffee can irritate the lining of the stomach and cause heartburn.  This is especially true if the person is dealing another underlying digestive condition such as IBS, Crohn’s Disease and ulcers.

What is the solution to this conundrum?  
We say go for it.  With all those amazing health benefits, it’s hard to say no to coffee, especially since we love the taste.  Caveat - choose wisely.  Know your beans!  To maximize the benefits coffee can have, while minimizing any negative effects, choose coffee you can trust.  In other words, coffee from the corner deli will likely be made from cheap, low quality beans you are better off staying away from.  Here are some tips:
Chooser organic, single-origin coffee.  Meaning, all the beans come from one place.  This limits the chances of moldy beans.
Get high.  Beans grown at higher elevations need to work harder to survive and as a result, become stronger with a greater ability to fight off mold.


What do we use?  Our favorite coffee for home brewing is Purity Coffee.  The beans are organic, from high elevations, roasted and packed with laser precision and always super fresh.  Each batch is tested for antioxidant and mold content.  Independent lab tests compared the antioxidant levels of Purity with 49 other top coffee brands and Purity was the highest with approximately twice the amount on average!  You can really taste the difference.  Purity has joined the monthly subscription bandwagon where you can receive as many bags are you want, delivered to your doorstep, every 2 weeks.  Here is a link.  Use code greggcook for 10% off your subscription.  There is a ton of information on the Purity site if you are interested in learning more.  (While are affiliated with Purity and get a small kickback if you end up signing up for a subscription, it is our favorite coffee for all the reasons listed above...hands-down).

We like the pour-over method and use the Hario carafe and glass dripper pictured at the top of this post with a walnut and brass stand.  Here is the link to a similar one.

Keep in mind is that the effects of caffeine, just as everything else, varies from person to person.  One person can drink coffee all day long, never experiencing nervousness and stomach woes while the next may not be able to drink even the most watered down sip.  This is a personal thing largely determined by your own genetic constitution.  If you’ve experienced negative side effects in the past, try Purity or another trusted high quality organic brand of coffee and test how you feel. 

Another thing to try is blending your coffee with some fat source.  It can help lessen the caffeine spike and actually extend its effects.  The fat feeds your brain, will keep you fuller for longer and will help if your first "meal" is going to be much later in the day.  It also tastes amazing.  We love grass-fed, raw heavy cream.  Some people opt for good old-fashioned grass-fed butter and/or MCT oils.  For a non-dairy option, try coconut milk or coconut cream.

Crucial to note is that coffee and caffeine, while amazing  in so many ways, will invariably disrupt sleep if consumed in excess and too late into the day.  The general rule of thumb is no coffee after 2pm.  I (Fatima), personally, am hyper-caffeine sensitive.  My cut off is 10am and I discovered this through n=1 experimentation, and a few unfortunate sleepless nights!
Oh, and I would be remiss to leave out one more little coffee trick.  Aside from timing your caffeine intake according to your personal constitution, a quick and simple hack is to take the amino acid L-Theanine along with your coffee.  L-Theanine is normally found in green tea, among other sources.  It is a relaxant associated with promoting alpha brainwaves, and helps balance brain waves and avoid jitters.

Meal Planning Deconstructed

Unlike the outburst of laughter or less welcomed silence experienced by stand-up comedians, when writing into the blogging abyss, you never know if anyone is actually relating to or enjoying your material.  To date, our posts about sleep, our upcoming retreat and food have been the most comment-inducing.  With regards to food, the question most asked has to do with meal planning and prepping.  Folks are looking for concrete direction on how to execute healthy eating in a realistic way.  Obviously everyone's lives are different and the spectrum of time to dedicate to meal planning and prep vary vastly, but in case you are wondering, here's how we do it.

As with most things we aim to excel at in life, planning lies at the very core.  For example, you won't master a new language by desire alone.  Classes/private lessons/full-immersion language-dedicated extended holidays are in order if you are to actually achieve your goal.  The same goes with healthy cooking, especially for busy families where spare moments are often at a deficit.  Planning is also the most efficient and cost-effective way to turn your kitchen into a home-cooked, nutrient rich mecca of deliciousness.  For me, meal planning for the week happens every Sunday.

I generally stick to the plan, but don't obsess over it.  After all, individual meals are important, but not as important as the sum of their parts.  What I mean is that on days where I've been stuck in traffic or on a subway train going nowhere, I just can't follow the "master plan" and breakfast-for-dinner (runny eggs over a salad is my favorite) or stir-fried left overs (or even pre-made meals from Whole Foods) are just fine.  Stressing over this would simply undo any of the nutritional goodness originally intended by the meal! 

Some of our go-to quick fixes include:

  1. Organic, preservative-free hotdogs.
  2. Organic, preservative-free sausages.
  3. Canned sardines.
  4. Canned smoked oysters.
  5. Eggs (steamed, fried, scrambled, poached, hard-boiled, baked...with bacon, avocado, spinach, cheese, etc).

Ok, so begin with choosing a meal planning day.  For me Sunday morning over a cup of coffee works.  It makes sense for me since I often go to the grocery store and farmer's market on Sundays as well. 

I ask myself the following questions each week:

  1. What do I want to cook/eat?  You are more likely to make it's something you personally want:)
  2. What is my schedule like this week?  When will I have time for create more elaborate meals and/or prep for the following day?
  3. How can each meal be transformed into tomorrow's lunch?  This is key.  It simplifies things and eliminates any early morning decision making about the kids' lunches!
  4. What's already in the fridge/freezer/pantry?
  5. Where will I get it?  My grocery list follows the flow of the aisles at the market so there is no doubling back and forth for items lower down on the list.  I also my shopping stops according to my schedule.  For example, my daughter's bus stop is near our favorite fish market.  If I am picking her up there, I'll plan seafood for that night's dinner.  
  6. How long will it take to prepare?
  7. If I am experimenting with something new, and I tend to do this once or twice a week, what's the back up plan?  Sometimes I'll get to the market and spot something special, with that freshly-harvested look about it.  I am usually unable to resist the temptation of buying it whether I know what to do with it or not.

Then comes the menu creation.  This is what a sample week looks like for us:


  • Breakfast - Black coffee for me & Gregg, prosciutto wrapped egg & spinach muffins for Solé.  (Our favorite coffee is from Purity).
  • Lunch- Leftover roasted chicken over a mixed green salad for me & Gregg, and for Solé, chicken over last night's cooked vegetables, seaweed snacks, carrots and homemade hummus.
  • Dinner - Romaine lettuce with homemade anchovy vinaigrette, grass-fed burger, mashed cauliflower, oven roasted sweet potato shoe string fries and a side of sauerkraut.
  • Dessert - Reishi hot chocolate from Four Sigmatic.  (Reishi is an edible, medicinal mushroom mostly known for its calming effects).


  • Breakfast - Black coffee or blended coffee with cream for me & Gregg, collagen and sometimes egg fortified oatmeal (with fermented oats for easier digestibility and increased gut health) and a spinach smoothie for Solé.
  • Lunch - *Organifi smoothie with added greens and herbs, grass-fed collagen, avocado, mushrooms (usually lion's mane and/or chaga), moringa, cinnamon, sea salt, and sometimes a bit of stevia.  For Solé, lettuce-wrapped left over burger, lacto-fermented pickles and a homemade chia bar.
  • Dinner - Big mixed green salad with fresh squeezed lemon and olive oil, slow roasted arctic char, pan fried crispy brussel sprouts with lardons, homemade sourdough bread.
  • Dessert - Warm golden milk with a drizzle of raw honey (turmeric and coconut milk made with ginger, and other spices -  anti-inflammatory and soothing).

* (If you are going to buy Organifi, take advantage of our discount code, greggcook, for 10% off)!


  • Breakfast - Black coffee or blended coffee with cream for me & Gregg, spinach and cheese omelet for Solé.
  • Lunch - Big green salad and a can of sardines, and for Solé (can you guess??), leftover arctic char and brussel sprout, grape tomatoes, a piece of dark chocolate.
  • Dinner- Asian inspired pork meatballs, stir fry shirataki noodles (Japanese noodles made of konjac root) with mixed veggies, side of kim chee.
  • Dessert - Fresh berries.


  • Breakfast - Black coffee or blended coffee with cream for me & Gregg, homemade brown butter and dark chocolate chip granola for Solé.
  • Lunch - Last night's meatballs over a bed of greens.  Solé will get the meatballs with seaweed snacks and carrot sticks and mini peppers.
  • Dinner - Grilled and sliced flank steak over arugula, butternut squash soup with watercress and pistachio pesto.
  • Dessert - Homemade yogurt with blood orange and a drizzle of raw honey.


  • Breakfast - Black coffee or blended coffee with cream for me & Gregg, almond flour pancakes for Solé.
  • Lunch -  Avocado & egg salad.  As a sandwich with homemade sourdough bread for Solé.
  • Dinner - Crab cakes with homemade garlic aioli, steamed artichokes and fennel and radish salad.
  • Dessert - Flourless triple chocolate cookies.

Saturday (we tend to eat a later brunch, skip lunch and eat an early dinner on weekends)

  • Breakfast - Mochacchino with grass-fed raw cream and organic cacao powder, grain-free pumpkin waffles with dark chocolate sauce.
  • Dinner - Stilton & leek savory cheesecake, kale and anchovy salad.
  • Dessert - Creamy coconut chia pudding with crumbled cookies from Friday night (if we happen to have leftovers) or homemade granola or macerated strawberries (Sometimes this also doubles as the next day's breakfast)!


  • Breakfast - Double espresso and grain-free bagels with lox and cream cheese or almond butter and raw honey.
  • Dinner - Indian butter chicken, cauliflower rice (or sometimes white rice), sautéed garlic spinach, sprouted green pea flat bread.
  • Dessert - Homemade dark chocolate and coconut butter cups.

How does all of that sound to you?  Just writing it (pre-lunch) makes me hungry.  Need help with meal planning?  I work with many clients on this and am working on a subscription based platform with every detail covered.  If you are interested, shoot us an email!

*Full disclosure:  While we make a small profit from the affiliate links above, these are products we personally use and have benefitted from.  We will never endorse anything we do not fully believe in.  

Road cycling in Mallorca

Road cycling in Mallorca

What we are dreaming...moving outdoors, enveloped in nature and breathing fresh air.  Mallorca, September 2018.

Why Sleep Matters

At the risk of boring you into a gaping, wide-mouth yawn (pun intended) with all our talk of sleep, it's extremely underrated ability to heal and maintain overall health compels us...obligates us to share more.  

Why is it so important?  

  1. Sleep supports healthy brain function including memory, cognition, concentration, productivity and performance.  It also decreases the chances of developing dementia and Alzheimer's.
  2. Proper sleep helps manage blood sugar and blood pressure.
  3. It regulates appetite and could help with weight loss.  A University of Chicago study compared two groups of people on the same calorie-restricted diet and exercise regimen.  The adequate sleep group experienced a 55% increase in weight loss when compared to the sleep deprived.
  4. Sleep is a massively underutilized anti-aging strategy.  We all know the phrase "beauty sleep".  Well, it is real.  Our bodies (including the skin - our largest organ) recover during sleep.  It is when new collagen is made and when the skin repairs itself from environmental stressors from products and polluted air and over sun exposure.
  5. Lack of sleep can precipitate a long list of diseases including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer, just to name a few.


Why are we (as a general population) sleep-deprived?

  1. Since the dawn of electricity, we've learned how to extend our waking hours drastically.  Back in the day, all we had in terms of lighting beyond dusk was fire.  Today, our options are limitless.  Our natural rhythms are highly sensitive to light, especially those that are bright and blue.  This has disrupted our innate ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. 
  2. We are ever-flooded with distractions ranging from the internet, 24 hour accessibility through text messages, and television.  Our nervous systems are in a constant state of stimulation, making it difficult to focus, calm our monkey minds and wind down in the evenings.
  3. Our sleeping environments are poor.  Our bedrooms are no longer just for sleep.  They are charging stations, work stations, movie theaters, etc, and are often lit by street lights, power lights and charger lights.  In the presence of these lights, the receptors in our skin signal our bodies to stay awake.
  4. Working out and eating too late in the day.  Our bodies are over-heated and revved up to get the unwind, relax and-sleep wheels in motion.  

How can we mimic the perfect sleep our ancestors experienced back when there was no artificial light and no electricity to disrupt our natural rhythms and allow us to keep going all night long?  

We are here to be the bridge between now and then.  

  1. Shawn Stevenson, sleep specialist and author of Sleep Smarter writes, "...a great night of sleep begins the moment you wake up in the morning.  Exposure to direct sunlight and 5-10 minute of early morning heart-rate elevating exercise with help you sleep better in the evening.   It increases sleep cycle efficiency and decreases nighttime cortisol.
  2. As soon as the sun sets, limit evening artificial light and especially blue-light from all screens, including television.  If you must be on your computer for work, download blue blocking software such as F.LUX or IRIS, and/or wear blue blocking glasses.  Definitely stay off social media.  The search-and-discovery effects of social media provide small hits of dopamine, putting your body in a more alert state.  Keep the lights dim and maybe even eat dinner over candlelight!   
  3. Consistency is key.  Whether weekday, weekend or holiday, preserve your circadian rhythm by maintaining the same bed and wake up time.  This has everything to do with your body's natural ability to produce melatonin.  Melatonin is one of the hormones responsible for helping you fall and stay asleep throughout the night.  
  4. Turn your bedroom into a cozy-bat-cave, cool and dark.  Our body temperature naturally lowers at night as a means of energy conservation.  It uses that energy to support sleep functions.  If you are too warm, the body redirects some of that energy to keeping you cool, thereby disrupting your sleep.  Scientists say somewhere between 60 and 67 degrees fahrenheit is the ideal sleeping temperature.  With regards to light, any tiny bit, even the tiny lights flashing from smoke detectors, can interfere with sleep.  It increases core temperature and effects melatonin release.  Our skin has light receptors, so while sleep masks help, but don't fully do the trick.  Ideally, there is zero light in the room.  
  5. Breathwork as you are falling asleep is often helpful to calm the nervous system.  Try box breathing (4 counts in, 4 counts hold, 4 counts out, 4 counts hold),  4-7-8 breathing (4 counts in, 7 counts hold, 8 counts out), or a 1:2 ratio inhale to exhale.
  6. Show your soft tissues some love to help increase parasympathetic nervous system dominance.  While we'd all love a pre-bedtime personal massage, a simple 5 minute foam rolling session or CARS (controlled articular rotations) also do the trick.  For more information about CARS, send Gregg a note!
  7. Avoid alcohol in the evening.  Alcohol raises core body temperature, again, causing the body to work extra hard to cool off instead of focusing on sleep functions.  This often causes disrupted, restless sleep.  It also interferes with REM sleep, which is crucial for memory consolidation and processing.
  8. Essential oils are often helpful to induce a sleep.  Diffuse calming scents such as lavender into your bedroom at bedtime.  Learn an aroma-accu-point calming protocol (send Fatima a note to learn more about this).
  9. Supplement with magnesium.  Magnesium is responsible for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body including the functioning of GABA receptors in the brain.  GABA is a neurotransmitter that allows the brain to transition to a state of rest.  For several reasons we won't get into right now, most of us are deficient in magnesium.  Ideas for supplementation include Natural Calm by Natural Vitality and Magnesium baths and body oils (we like the ones called Ancient Minerals by Enviromedica).
  10. Doc Parsley's Sleep Remedy, developed by a Navy Seal doctor, is wonderful help if you are truly having trouble sleeping.  (Use code cookbooks for a 10% discount)
  11. CBD, or cannabidiol is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant and is associated with several therapeutic benefits.  In addition to being an anti-inflammatory, it has the ability to calm and reduce pain.  CBD does not include the THC, or "high" inducing portion of the plant and is legal in all 50 states and for centuries has been used medicinally as a sleep aid.


Experiment this week with some early morning quick HIIT sessions and see how it affects your sleep.  Want some ideas?

  1. 10 kettlebell swings followed by 10 burpees, 3 x through.
  2. 10 jump squats, followed by 10 push ups, 3 x through.
  3. 4 30-second sprints with 30-seconds of rest between each on a stationary bike or rebounder.
  4. On a nice day, take a quick run around the block.  The exposure to early morning light gets you double points!

Let us know how you feel!


Speaking of sleep...want to experience true restorative and restful sleep?  We've built it in to our retreat in Mallorca, Spain in September.  Join us.  There are only a few spots remaining!  For more information and to sign up, click HERE.


*Full disclosure:  While we make a small profit from the affiliate links above, these are products we personally use and have benefitted from.  We will never endorse anything we do not fully believe in.  

Mallorca Retreat September 2018 Registration Coming Soon!

We are so excited to announce our first retreat.  We will be going to Mallorca, Spain and registration will open next Wednesday, February 21st.  It will held September 22-29, 2018 and will focus on pulling back the veil to share EVERYTHING about deeper health - movement, nutrition, meditation and mental training, finding inner space and creating practices to transform your life course.  Disconnect from the everyday, reconnect with self, and evolve into a limitless version of YOU while enjoying Mallorca's natural beauty.  

We have partnered with Laura Cosik of Travel with Lipstick, a dear friend, athlete, adventurer and Mallorca resident to manage this luxurious, all-details-considered, truly unique experience.

This special itinerary includes various modalities of movement, hiking, trail running, cycling, canyoning, sleep strategies, two morning fasts, learning how to establish a crucial 'morning routine', an organic olive oil tour, beach relaxation, pool time, shopping, sightseeing, a healthy cooking lesson, and organic wine tasting and a pajama party!  All activities are optional...however we encourage you to experience all we have planned.  We promise that you will have plenty of time to do absolutely nothing.

There will be very limited space in this retreat, so if you are interested, please be on the lookout for registration details next Wednesday!


Our goal is to create unique and immersive movement, meditation and culinary experiences all over the world - oceans apart from the everyday – where our guests can shed their current limitations, truly relax, nourish body, mind and spirit, reconnect with self, reimagine and recreate who they can be at any stage in life. 

In a world where we are overwhelmed by the fast pace of life, Deep Health Experiences aims to give our guests the time and space to reconnect.  We believe our retreats can be transformative.  They are designed to improve your well-being, help you recharge and provide clear tools for your continued evolution long after the return home.  We wish as well, for those who join us, new and lasting memories and relationships.  

In addition to our retreats, Deep Health Evolution Experiences also will be hosting small movement, meditation/mental training and food workshops for those that want a class based structure.  Please contact us if you would like to set up a private event.

Sneak Peek into the Week #4

Happy Monday folks! 

We are happy to say that our month of "No Complaining" has been going very well.  It's challenging and imperfect, but has really changed the way we are experiencing life in a positive way, as well as the way we have been communicating, and therefore experiencing each other.  It is so interesting that such a seemingly small thing can have such a great impact.  We are thinking we will keep this challenge going beyond the month.

So, here's what we've been doing this week...


Have you taken a walk down the snack aisle at the grocery store lately?  I often find myself strolling down the aisle in search of an easy-to-pack lunch treat or after school snack for my daughter and clients.  Sadly, my search is usually fruitless and I am overcome with disappointment.  Even seemingly benign foods (like nuts and jerky) are often tainted with dastardly seed oils and processed sugars.  Aside from a handful of good choices, healthy snacks are really hard to find.  Here are my go-to's:


I've been challenged by my clients (and especially my daughter) to come up with my own snack recipes.  The criteria is that they need to be easy to make, easy to transport, heathy and pass the taste test across all ages.  Luckily, the experimenting has been fun and the results super yummy.  Below are two versions of a healthy seed bar.

Banana Walnut Seed Bar

  • 3 large Medjool dates
  • 3/4 cup dried bananas, unsweetened
  • 1/2 cup walnuts
  • 1/2 cup chia seeds
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt

Remove pits from dates and pulse in a food processor or blender to form a paste.

In a medium sized bowl, mix dates and the rest of the ingredients.

Press into the bottom of a baking dish lined with parchment paper, cut into squares or rectangles and refrigerate until firm.


Turmeric Black Pepper Seed Bar

  • 6 large Medjool dates
  • 1/2 cup chia seeds
  • 1/4 cup sprouted pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
  • 1 tablespoon turmeric powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Remove pits from dates and pulse in a food processor or blender to form a paste.

In a medium sized bowl, mix dates and the rest of the ingredients.

Press into the bottom of a baking dish lined with parchment paper, cut into squares or rectangles and refrigerate until firm.


  • The Fourfold Path to Healing by Dr. Thomas Cowen, Sally Fallon and Jaimen McMillen.  It is a fascinating look at healing, fusing nutrition, traditional healing remedies, movement and meditation.  Interestingly enough, Jaimen McMillen, one of the authors, was one of Gregg's teachers in a movement course called Spacial Dynamics he took way back in the early 90's.  Dr. Thomas Cowen is also the man behind Dr. Cowen's Garden, where we get our amazing dehydrated veggie powders.  They are a delicious and easy way to get additional micronutrients into your diet.  Check them out here!


  • Goblet Squat.  This exercise is great for all the muscles in your legs including quads, hamstrings, and glutes as well as for increasing core strength.  Because the weight is held in front of the body, it can help with technique with a regular back-loaded squat.  Because the weight is held in front of the body, it allows you to sit down into a squat in an upright position as opposed to leaning forward at the hips, a typical squatting mistake.  Here is a quick demo.

Gregg has released his first podcast (yay).  Have a listen to the intro session.  So much more to come!  

In this premiere episode, personal trainer and fitness expert of over 25 years Gregg Cook talks with amateur fitness enthusiast Jonas Cohen about why he's starting a podcast. He defines what he calls Deep Health. Drawing on his own knowledge, and what he's learned from many of his mentors and teachers, Gregg lays out and touches on the 5 tenets of Health & Longevity including Movement, Nutrition, Sleep, Stress Management, and Community. He then shares the one simple step we can start doing today on the journey towards discovering our own best and deepest state of health.

Have a lovely week and Happy Valentine's Day!

Food Manifesto

Do you feel incarcerated by dietary labels?  It seems that everywhere we look, there are new dietary dogmas categorizing who we are, carefully dividing us into Paleo, Ketogenic, Gluten Free, Vegetarian, Pescatarian, Vegan, Raw, Raw Paleo, Dairy Free, Grain Free, etc, etc, etc.  We identify with these labels sometimes so deeply, it is as if one bite of the "forbidden fruit" (or pasta or meat) will destroy who you believe you are, who you associate with, i.e. make you immediately and irreparably overweight and banish you from the gates of dietary heaven.  Yet every day there is new scientific research pointing to what is good and bad for your health.  This information is often contradictory, always confusing and ultimately exhausting.  It is no wonder we don't really know how and what to eat.

We've been guilty of this many times over and fortunately, through these experiences, have become wiser.  Eating well can be simple.  And so, here is our basic Food Manifesto.  Follow it and you should be fine.

  1. Eat fresh and local and wild.
  2. Eat vegetables mostly.  Many, and a variety.
  3. Eat slowly and gratefully.
  4. Chew well.
  5. Don't overstuff yourself.
  6. Drink good, clean water.
  7. Avoid processed and/or added sugar.
  8. Avoid seed oils.
  9. Avoid processed food.
  10. Avoid excessive alcohol.
  11. Don't overdo anything.
  12. Pay attention to your body, its cravings and how it feels after eating.
  13. BONUS: Move after eating.
Sneak Peek into the Week #3

Hi All,

Here is our list of interests/learnings/ponderings for the week.  Enjoy, and as always, we love your feed back so let us know if you enjoyed this post.




Sleep - getting enough as well as good quality.  The more we learn, the more interested we become.  Why such a fascination?  Well...a short blurb directly out of the book Gregg has been reading, Why We Sleep, by Matthew Walker, sums it up pretty well. 

"Scientists have discovered a revolutionary new treatment that makes you live longer.  It enhances your memory and makes you more creative.  It makes you look more attractive.  It keeps you slim and lowers food cravings.  It protects you from cancer and dementia.  It wards off colds and the flu.  It lowers your risk of heart attacks and stroke, not to mention diabetes.  You'll feel happier, less depressed and less anxious.  Are you interested?"

He is referring to sleep, of course.

Six simple ways to help you get more and better sleep are:

  1. Keep your room on the cooler side.  
  2. Turn off all screens, ideally 2 hours before bedtime.  If you must use a screen, invest in blue blocking glasses.
  3. Create a sleep cave out of your room.  Cover up any and every light in your room, including small rays of light coming in from the streets, lights from alarm clocks, smoke alarms, etc.  (These tiny pre-cut light blocking stickers are really helpful).
  4. Avoid alcohol before bed.  It takes your body hours to process alcohol and get it out of your system and it WILL disrupt your sleep, so save drinking for special occasions.
  5. Create a sleep schedule and stick to it every day including weekends.
  6. Get outside in natural sunlight at least 30 minutes a day to help regulate daily sleep patterns.  If you can, make it first thing in the morning. 



Our Okinawan exploration continues.  (The soba noodle soup was AMAZING, by the way.  Sorry, it was gobbled up before I could snap any pictures.  Email us if you'd like the recipe we used (I made noodles from scratch but some good alternatives are available at Thrive Market or even Amazon).  

Next, we tried a little something to satisfy the sweet tooth, Imo Custard.  Though not very sweet at all, by "normal" standards, we really enjoyed this recipe.  We tried it as written below, and also substituting the sweetener completely with a bit of cinnamon, which changed the flavor profile, but was equally enjoyable...even by 9 year old taste buds.  

Imo Custard (Okinawan sweet potato dessert)

  • 4-6 Okinawan Sweet Potatoes or Purple Yams, peeled boiled and mashed
  • 2 tablespoons Brown Sugar (we used maple syrup)
  • 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger
  • Milk (cow, coconut or nut milk) as needed

Blend all ingredients until creamy, adding milk to get to desired consistency.

Another helpful takeaway from the Okinawan culture is the concept of Hara hachi bun me (腹八分目/はらはちぶんめ), (or hara hachi bu).  As Okinawa has the highest proportion of centenarians in the world, its worth paying some attention to.  What exactly is hara hachi bu?  It is a Confucian teaching that translates to "belly 80 percent full".  Of course this is relative and difficult to quantify, but is simply a wonderful reminder to eat slowly and reap the benefits of chewing your food well, being present and expressing gratitude during mealtime.


Dead Hang Plus.  Add on to the dead hang from last week and try lifting your chest and squeezing your shoulder blades down and back while hanging.  Hold strongly for a few seconds before releasing and repeating.  Note that the movement should come from the shoulder girdle, not your arms.  Keep your elbows straight. 


Inspired by Gabby Reece, my super-hero role model, we, as a family, have declared February a No-Complaining Month.  According to research, less complaining = better mood + increased happiness and mindfulness.  It's only day 5, but the effects are REAL.  It's a great exercise in taking a pause before speaking, and also rethinking and perhaps editing the way we express ourselves.  We are each holding each other as accountability partners, just in case we begin to slide down the complaining rabbit hole.  Join us.  You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!

Have a great week!



Superbowl Pre-Game and Menu Plan

Do you have Superbowl plans this Sunday?  Personally, my interest is in the commercials, and the half-time show, admittedly, in anticipation of the next big blooper (flashback to Justin and Janet 2004).  Gregg, on the other hand, is all in.  He loves watching the game and really lives into the whole great American chicken wing/chili/pizza and loads of drinking phenomenon.  Seeing as the cuisine of the evening is not necessarily what one would traditionally classify as "healthful", we tend to modify the menu in that direction, and I have to say, we (collectively) have been thrilled with the results.  

And...then there is the drinking.  Thank goodness dry January/Whole 30 is over because imbibing also seems to be a big part of game day.  Want to know how to prevent a hang-over?  More then simply not over-drinking, staying hydrated and pacing yourself, which are all very important, we've got some not-so-obvious tips to help you out.  Monday morning mania can ensue, (shout out to the Bangles) and not be further burdened by headache and brain fog.  

Let's begin with food.  (Scroll down if you want to get right to the pre-game strategies).  

The Menu: Crispy Baked Wings with Salsa Verde, Grass-Fed Beef Chili, Crudités with Ricotta Arugula Pistachio Pesto and Avocado Crema.

Here is a great chili recipe made stove-top and here is another if you own a pressure cooker or Instant Pot.  Crudités seem pretty self explanatory.  Dips, sauces and healthy wings that are still crunchy and delicious - a bit more challenging - and where we step in.

Crispy Baked Wings

(Warning, you need to begin at least the night before)

  • 4 pounds chicken wings, cut into drumettes and flats
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder 
  • 4 teaspoon kosher salt 
  • Fresh ground black pepper to taste

Line a rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil and set a wire rack inside.  Thoroughly dry the wings with paper towels.  Combine wings, baking powder, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Place the wings on rack and be sure not to crowd them.  You will likely need more then 1 rack.

Place baking sheet(s) in the fridge for at least 8 hours and up to 24 hours, uncovered.

Adjust oven rack to upper-middle position and preheat oven to 450°F. Add chicken wings and cook for 20 minutes. Flip wings and continue to cook until crisp and golden brown, 15 to 30 minutes longer, flipping a few more times towards the end.

Salsa Verde

  • 1/2 cup lightly packed fresh parsley
  • 1 large handful fresh chives
  • 4 sprigs fresh tarragon 
  • 2 garlic cloves chopped
  • 1 anchovy
  • 1 tablespoon capers
  • 1/2 shallot chopped
  • 1/2 jalapeño (or more, seeded or not, depending on desired heat)
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar or white vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon whole grain dijon mustard
  • 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice, plus zest of 1 lemon
  • Sea salt & fresh ground black pepper to taste

Throw everything but the olive oil, lemon juice, zest, salt and pepper into the food processor.  Slowly pour in the oil and continue to pulse until you have a chunky but smooth sauce.  Stir in lemon juice and zest and season with salt and pepper.

Ricotta Arugula Pistachio Pesto Dip

  • 1/3 cup pistachios
  • 1 1/2 cups packed arugula (or watercress) 
  • 3/4 cup packed parsley 
  • 2/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/3 cup lemon juice plus zest of 1 lemon
  • Sea salt
  • 1 cup organic whole milk ricotta

Pulse pistachios, arugula, parsley, oil in the food processor until smooth.  Stir in the lemon juice, zest and salt.  Swirl into ricotta and top with a layer of olive oil, a pinch of sea salt flakes like Maldon, and freshly ground black pepper.

Avocado Crema

  • 2 avocados
  • 3 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1/2 cup full fat greek yogurt*
  • Sea salt

*I love this with feta or goat cheese cheese as an alternative to yogurt.  For a dairy free version, blend in some olive oil instead.

Combine all ingredients except salt into the food processor and blend until smooth and creamy.  Season with salt to taste.

And now, Pre-Game Strategies

As I mentioned earlier, the simple solutions are to abstain (ha), stay hydrated and drink plenty of water before, during and after the time you drink, and nurse the hell out of your drinks.  But in addition, there are some helpful things you can do to just in case things do get out of hand (and that will do your body good regardless).

1. Green Tea: One of the many benefits of green tea is its ability to support the liver.  It is helpful in preventing hangovers as well as remedying them.

2. Asparagus: Compounds in these gorgeous green stalks help break down alcohol, allowing it to exit the body more quickly.

3. Vitamin C: Alcohol can deplete your body of vitamin C, which assists in alcohol-induced oxidative stress in your liver.  Studies have shown that taking vitamin C before indulging will protect the liver and in addition, help detoxify alcohol.

4. Glutathione: This is the body's greatest antioxidant and a major player when it comes to liver support, detox, immunity, to name just a few.  Unfortunately, most supplements are not very effective.  Look for a good quality brand with liposomal means of delivery for this.  This is what we use.  

5. Activated Charcoal: Take this before wine or beer, or after you're done drinking to help move the toxins out of your body.

6. Hydrogen Water: Molecular hydrogen has a list of benefits I will not get into here, but one is its ability to support the liver and scavenge harmful free radicals, while leaving the beneficial ones alone.  If you are interested in learning more about this, please contact us.

At the end of the day, if you blew it this time, don't stress over it.  Get yourself a Myer's Cocktail infusion during your lunch break and be back on your game for the second part of the day.

Sneak Peek into the Week #2

Hello Evolutionaries!  We hope the weekend has been relaxing and fulfilling.  Here's what we're upto this week.


  • Auggie and Me by R.J. Palacio.  We are fortunate enough to have a 9 year old daughter who reads like its going out of style.  This is her recommendation.  I haven't gotten to it yet, but if the first book, Wonder (now also a major motion picture), is any indication, it will be well worth the investment in time.  Heartfelt and well written book about empathy, kindness and being human.  
  • Farmocology: Total Health from the Ground Up by Daphne Miller (who wrote the book we were reading last week, Jungle Effect).  An interesting investigation into biodynamic farming and its relationship to health and medicine.  Definitely a fresh perspective.
  • Why We Sleep, Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew Walker
  • Did anyone read this article in the NY Times this week?  It's an interesting look into friendship and its relationship to health and also offers up some tips on how to nurture our connections.


  • Dead Hang.  Why?  Several reasons.  Spinal decompression, decreasing the risk for back injury, posture correction, grip, rotator cuff, shoulder, forearm and wrist strength, core stability.  You can do this from any overhanging bar.  We keep a pull up bar in our doorway and hang throughout the day.  Start with 30 seconds at a time and gradually work your way up to 90-120 seconds.   Before attempting this, make sure you've nailed your form.  Here is a good reference.  
  • Post Dinner Dance Party.  Research shows that easy movement immediately after a meal has been shown to help lower blood glucose levels.  This could be a 20 minute walk or for us, a family post-meal dance party.  


  • Okinawan Cuisine:  Taking a page from The Jungle Effect, we decided to experiment with traditional Okinawan fare this month.  We are starting with Soba Noodle Soup with homemade fermented sprouted einkorn noodles...a mouthful both literally and figuratively, and adventurous undertaking indeed!  We will post the recipe and pictures soon.  Know any recipes we should try next?  PLEASE SHARE!

The first month of 2018 is just about over.  How are you doing with your resolutions?  If you've fallen off the bandwagon or find your enthusiasm quickly waning, you are not alone.  Apparently, 80% of resolutions fail by February.  Habits are extremely difficult to change and our resolutions are often too grand to allow for any changes in neurological wiring and therefore have little staying power.  So, how can we make change happen and stick?  Let's look at a few effective habit changing strategies.

1. Think small.  Small changes are surmountable and sustainable.  Small successes are gratifying and can cultivate the path to more change.

2. Set up goals.  For example, if you're looking to incorporate more exercise into your day, instead of resolving to visit the gym 5 days a week, resolve to being able to increase the number of push ups you are able to do per day from say, 20-100 in six months.

3. Establish some type of accountability.  Depending on your tendency and whether you respond to inner or outer accountability, you may need to get a friend, join a club or invest in a program to help stick to your goals.

4. Create a morning routine.  We've talked a bit about the importance of morning routines, and their role in getting things done.  Our will power is strongest in the earlier par to the day and decreases throughout the day.  By harnessing will power in the morning and setting the day up properly, we are more likely to follow through on our commitments.

5. Lastly, consider hiring a coach!

Enjoy the week friends!  Findings from the books we've been reading coming up next.  We'll also be posting some Superbowl pre-game strategies and recipes later this week.  Stay tuned.

Sneak Peek into the Week #1

We are going to begin giving you a sneak peek into what we are up to every week.  Basically, you will be receiving a short email listing a few things we've discovered or are interested in for the week.  Hopefully it will inspire your readings and insights!


  • Unplugged by Brian MacKenzie, Dr. Andy Galpin and Phil White.  How to reconnect with our own bodies and brains in the midst of technology.
  • Deskbound: Standing Up to a Sitting World by Kelly Starrett.  This is exactly what we preach everyday.  Movement all day, everyday!
  • Jungle Effect by Daphne Miller.  An interesting account of how health can be transformed through our ancestor's foods.  The author provides several recipes prepared in the traditional fashion from cultures around the world where modern diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and depression are virtually non-existent.  (We are planning on picking a "culture of the month" and try preparing some of these foods every weekend.  If you are interested in trying with us, let us know and we will post the recipes we are making).



  • The Founder Exercise for decompressing the spine and strengthening the core.  Check it out here.


  • JOOVV light.  This light provides full-body biophotomodulation therapy.  Why would we use such a thing?   It's proposed virtues include a variety of ailments such as skin issues (bye-bye wrinkles, acne and stretch marks), muscle recovery, joint inflammation, testosterone production and mood enhancement.  So far we are feeling the mood boosting benefits, which in our honest opinion makes the product worth while already.  We will report back on the other benefits in a few weeks.

Finally, would you like to travel with us?  We are working on creating experiences where the space will be safe to transform your life course.  A place where you can disengage from every day life and habits and upgrade your, reconnect with deeper movement, allow your mind to decompress and focus, learn to make and eat nourishing foods, while immersed in nature?  DEEP HEALTH EXPERIENCES are coming your way soon.  Please email us to be first to learn about our virgin voyage.  Spaces will be very limited!